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奋斗了7年,洛杉矶湖人队终于如愿再登NBA顶峰。Struggled for 7 years, the Los Angeles Lakers NBA finally get re-boarding the peak. 湖人没有让魔术回到洛杉矶,就急不可耐地举起了总冠军奖杯!Lakers did not let the Magic back to Los Angeles, eager to hold on the championship trophy! 99∶86,总决赛第五场,湖人用近乎完美的表现击溃魔术,历史上第15次夺得NBA总冠军。99:86, fifth finals, the Lakers use the performance of near-perfect magic rout, winning 15 first NBA championships.

湖人队“战神”科比和“禅师”杰克逊赛后兴奋地拥抱在一起,尽情享受时隔7年再度联手拥抱冠军的甜美,二人因此书写了NBA新纪录。Lakers God of War Bryant and the Zen Master Jackson excitedly hugged after the match, enjoy once again join hands for the first time in 7 years to embrace the sweet title, two of the NBA, therefore writing a new record. 在与奥尼尔分道扬镳之后,科比不但拥有了一枚真正属于自己的总冠军戒指,而且还有一个总决赛MVP的奖杯。After parting ways with O'Neal, Bryant not only has a real belonging to their championship ring, but also a Finals MVP trophy.

“禅师”也超越了传奇教练奥尔巴赫,成为NBA最成功的主教练。Zen Master is also beyond the legendary coach Red Auerbach to become the most successful NBA coach. 湖人队的总冠军个数还略逊于凯尔特人队,后者目前以17次夺冠保持着夺冠最多的纪录。Lakers championship team was also slightly down from the number of Celtics, who won 17 times the current to maintain a record of winning the most.

评论收起 我一直都是湖人的支持者,我相信湖人在2009年可以拿冠军的!我最喜欢的就是科比,他向神一样在我心中,他的每场球赛,我只要有时间就会看!湖人这支球队就是一支暴力球队,以前湖人对开拓者,阿里扎是怎样把费尔南德斯送进了医院,武贾西奇是个暴...就要在NBA中把骑士跟湖人这两支球队撑起来,明说就是要把詹姆斯跟湖人撑起来,其中裁判就是NBA联盟的工具山猫与湖人的交战记录为5胜4负,1960年湖人迁到洛杉矶后,有两支球队跟湖人交锋记录占据上风,一支是凯尔...周日,湖人以76比86输给了老鹰队,那场比赛中科比一直胃疼,湖人也一直处于水深火热中,湖人也创下了本赛 1952湖人尼克斯4-3 1953湖人尼克斯4-1 1954湖人民族4-3 1955民族活塞4-3 1956勇士...1982湖人76人4-2 1983 76人湖人4-0 1984凯尔特人湖人4-3 1985湖人凯尔特人4-2 1986凯

洛杉矶湖人队是NBA历史为数不多的常青树之一,该队的夺冠次数仅次与凯尔特人队。Lakers are one of the few evergreens in NBA history, and their championship次数 is second only to the Celtics. 湖人队的最大特点是总有伟...1948年湖人队跳槽至NBA的前身BAA,湖人队的NBA纪元也从此开始。In 1948, the Lakers jumped to the BAA, the predecessor of the NBA, and the Lakers' NBA era began from then on. 1949年湖人队打败华盛顿国会队,夺得BAA。In 1949, the Lakers defeated the Washington Capitals and won the BAA.

总之,洛杉矶湖人队是一支具有悠久历史和辉煌成就的篮球队,在未来的比赛中,我们期待他们能够创造更多的奇迹。In short, the Los Angeles Lakers are a basketball team with a long history and glorious achievements. In future games, we look forward to them creating more miracles.